Business Opportunities in Germany – Best Case: East Brandenburg Region” 13.12.2018 Helsingissä
Tilaisuuden avainalue on Itäinen Brandenburg osana Saksan pääkaupunkiseutua. Alue toimii yhtenä malliesimerkkinä NSB CoRen tarjoamista mahdollisuuksista. Kutsumme teidät täten Business Opportunities in Germany – Best Case: East Brandenburg Region -seminaariin, jokajärjestetään 13.12.2018 Allas SeaPool:issa Helsingissä.
Esityksissä kerrotaan olemassa olevista mahdollisuuksista ytimekkäästi ja konkreettisesti esiin, miten omaa liiketoimintaa laajennetaan Saksassa ja erityisesti Itäisessä Brandenburgissa. Tapahtuman jälkeen on mahdollisuus tavata saksalaisia asiantuntijoita ja mahdollisia yhteistyökumppaneita kasvotusten. Järjestämme myös kahden keskisiä tapaamisia esim. investointimahdollisuuksiin ohjeistusta tarjoavan Investor Center Ostbrandenburg kanssa.
Tilaisuus on maksuton ja sisältää tarjoilun. Tilaisuuden kieli on englanti.
Lue lisää ja ilmoittaudu viimeistään 30.11.2018 Business Opportunities in Germany -tapahtumaan.
Business Opportunities in Germany – Best Case: East Brandenburg Region
December 13, 2018 at 2.30 pm, Allas Sea Pool, Helsinki
Supported by the EU, the North Sea Baltic core network (NSB) connects Finland with Germany along the West-East axis from Helsinki via Tallinn and Warsaw to East Brandenburg, part of the German Capital Region, and Berlin. Our seminar will guide you along this route directly to the potentials of the German market, with East Brandenburg as a key region and prime example of the opportunities provided by the NSB.
Exclusive hands-on presentations will demonstrate the concrete potentials and deliver practical insights and experiences of how to establish businesses in Germany and specifically in East Brandenburg. Meet and discuss your case with experts and potential partners from Germany and Finland. Unfold the diverse benefits and boost your business activities abroad.
Moderation: Martin Brandt, Managing Director, FinDera Consulting
2.30 – 3.00 pm
Registration & Networking
3.00 – 3.10 pm
Welcome Speech
Christopher Nüßlein, Managing Director, Investor Center Ostbrandenburg
3.10 – 3.20 pm
Welcome Speech
H.E. Detlef Lingemann, Ambassador of Germany, German Embassy
Opportunities and Chances – an Overview
3.20 – 3.40 pm
German-Finish Business: Why and How to Enter the German Market
Jan Feller, Managing Director, German-Finnish Chamber of Commerce
3.40 – 4.00 pm
Practical First-Hand Experience of a Finnish Company in Germany
Väinö Leskinen, Chief International Growth Officer, Siili Solutions Oy
4.00 – 4.20 pm
Best Case: Frankfurt (Oder), German-Polish Gateway of the German Capital Region: Discover Opportunities and Grow your Business
Christopher Nüßlein, Managing Director, Investor Center Ostbrandenburg
Focus on Chosen Industries with Potential
4.20 – 4.40 pm
Microelectronics in Ostbrandenburg – A Location with Great Potential and Many Fields of Sensorics Applications
Dr. Juliane Berghold, Managing Director, IHP Solutions
4.40 – 5.00 pm
The Future of Logistics – A North Sea Baltic Point of View
Malla Paajanen, Chief Advisor, Uusimaa Regional Council
5.00 – 5.10 pm
Martin Brandt, Managing Director, FinDera Consulting
5.10 pm
Networking & Buffet
Please check here for further information and the registration.