7.10.2019 International topics DIT Finland – Brexit survey The United Kingdom is about to leave the European Union.
12.8.2019 International topics Answers by the Ambassador of the Republic of Turkey to Finland, M. Vakur Erkul Jukka Kuusala, Chairman of the Board, Finland-Turkey business association: Turkey is an essential trading partner both directly and indirectly for Finland.
18.3.2019 International topics Malta – A Vibrant Smart Economy Open for Business The quest for a creative and innovative cost- competitive hub and profitability in a stable social and industrial climate. These have been some of the major underlying motives wherefore innovative companies of reputable standing have opted to set up an operational base in Malta producing for international brand names.
11.3.2019 International topics Economic outlook of Croatia today – and what are the prospects for the country? The Croatian economy returned to growth in 2015 after a protracted recession.
15.1.2019 International topics EntryPoint Mentoring expands to startup scene The benefits of mentoring in personal and career development are well documented. Mentoring can be also used as a tool for developing business and help startups and growth companies to identify untapped potential.
15.1.2019 International topics Interview with H.E. Mr György Urkuti, the new Ambassador of Hungary to Finland The new Ambassador of Hungary in Finland gives his views on the future of economic relations between Finland and Hungary.
11.12.2018 International topics Economic outlook of Estonia today – and what are the prospects for the country? Estonia`s economic outlook and prospects are good. Economic growth continuous to be more than 3.5% of GDP. Internal economic risks (loans, inflation, current account etc.) are low. State budget is in a positive and healthy situation. Public debt continues to be by far the lowest in the European Union. The level of tax burden is less than the EU average and it will be even decreasing in the coming years. Estonia has the most competitive tax system in the OECD (0% on retained and reinvested profit) for the fifth year in a row.
21.11.2018 International topics International House Helsinki – your entry to working in the Helsinki area December marks one-year birthday to International House Helsinki (IHH), a service point that offers most of the services for newly arrived internationals in the Helsinki area. In addition to private customers, IHH also counsels and advises employers in questions related to international workforce.
15.11.2018 International topics When the going gets tough… It is not easy to be a business leader today. In addition to running your business, you have to pay attention to a number of non-business issues such as geopolitical risk, natural disasters, technological breakthroughs, Donald Trump tweets and Brexit uncertainties. The question is: how to succeed in the modern age of radical uncertainty?
9.11.2018 International topics Business Opportunities in Germany – Best Case: East Brandenburg Region” 13.12.2018 Helsingissä EU:n Pohjanmeri–Itämeri-liikennekäytävä (NSB CoRe) yhdistää Suomen ja Saksan länsi-itä akselilla Helsingistä, Tallinnan ja Varsovan kautta Itäisen Brandenburgiin ja Berliiniin. Seminaarissamme kuljetaan suoraan liikennekäytävän toiseen päähän: opastamme teidät Saksan markkinoiden monenlaisiin ja konkreettisiin liiketoimintamahdollisuuksiin.