
EntryPoint – A mutually beneficial partnership

EntryPoint Mentoring Programme is a cross-cultural mentoring partnership organized by Helsinki Region Chamber of Commerce. EntryPoint’s three-dimensional learning models is designed to offer optimal benefits to all participants according to their needs.

EntryPoint Mentoring Programme is a cross-cultural mentoring partnership organized by Helsinki Region Chamber of Commerce. EntryPoint’s three-dimensional learning models is designed to offer optimal benefits to all participants according to their needs.

Over last two and a half years, EntryPoint invited 226 participants from 45 different ethnical backgrounds, and attracted 113 mentors representing a wide range of business fields, academia to ministries and municipalities.

Feedback from EntryPoint participants contains compelling testimonials and it indicates a high level of satisfaction. According to satisfaction survey results, mentors are satisfied by 4,10 (1-5 scale) in terms of being inspired by mentees, gaining new insights from each other, learning from one another and sharing different expertise.

On the other hand, mentees are more gratified (4,30) by expanding professional network, reflecting on core values, discovering untapped competitive advantages and discerning new opportunities. As a hub of knowledge, EntryPoint in total arranged 25 times company visits and interactive workshops as well as 15 times collective meetings since 2016.

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