Ukrainan (Ukraine) ja Suomen liput.

ICT sector in Ukraine – resilient and fast developing sector providing high quality services

In Ukraine, the ICT sector is highly developed. Despite of challenges, the digital sector has remained resilient and even grown in the last years. The sector has also played a crucial role in keeping Ukraine’s economy afloat.

The webinar is linked to the Finnish-Ukrainian ICT online matchmaking open until 31 May 2023. Read more and register at Finnish Ukrainian webinar and matchmaking to meet potential new business and/or technology partners.

80 per cent of students who study mathematics, physics, and sciences at the countries’ many universities are employed by the ICT sector. There is a digi cluster in almost every region. ICT specialists are young and many of them are female. Ukrainian ICT companies have commonly specialized skills in cloud, AI, and big data. Ukraine has the possibility to be the most modern and advanced country in the digital transformation and services.

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Finnish-Ukrainian webinar and online matchmaking for buyers and sellers of ICT products and services 25.4.2023

Enterprise Europe Network invites you to learn about possibilities of cooperation between Finnish and Ukrainian companies, share new project ideas and find international cooperation partners for business opportunities as well as ICT service providers, suppliers, sellers and buyers. Please note that the matchmaking platform is available from 25 April to 31 May 2023 for online meetings between Finnish and Ukrainian companies.

Go to the webinar recording

Helsingin seudun kauppakamarin Jäsentapahtumat (katso tapahtumien tallenteita)

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