Helsingin toimisto
Käyntiosoite: Kalevankatu 12, 00100 Helsinki
Postiosoite: PL 68, 00131 Helsinki
Puhelin: 09 228 601 (vaihde)
To help businesses trade across borders in the EU, the European Commission (DG GROW) provides detailed information on product-specific rules, VAT and excise via the Your Europe and Access2Markets web portals. DG GROW wants to improve the portals to make them as informative and user-friendly as possible, so that you and others can trade more easily in the EU Single Market. DG GROW has recently launched a study for this purpose, and direct input from the SME community is a crucial part of this process.
We kindly ask you to consider contributing to the study in one or both of the following ways:
Many thanks for your participation in the study!