
EntryPoint Mentoring Programme

“The delicate balance of mentoring someone is not creating them in your image, but giving them the opportunity to create themselves.” – Steven Spielberg

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What is mentoring?

Mentoring, like all relationships, is a process, not an accomplishment. It is something you do, not something you give or get. Mentoring is based on close cooperation, fostering mutually beneficial partnership between a mentor and mentee. This is exactly what lies at the heart of EntryPoint – a cross-cultural mentoring program, successfully organized by Helsinki Region Chamber of Commerce since 2016.


What is EntryPoint all about?

  • Offers a “two-way” opportunity (for both parties) to learn, grow and share experiences over a 5 or 6-month period,
  • Brought together already 113 mentors and 113 mentees,
  • Run completely in English,
  • Has no obligation for mentors to recruit mentees,
  • “It will blow your mind off – be prepared!”, “Mentoring is a key word for the future.” (Mentors),
  • “One of the best decisions I have made for my professional life!”, “Do not think that it will be a boring official place.” (Mentees).

You can watch more testimonials from our participants »

Who can participate?

EntryPoint mentors are professionals from business to academia fields with 3+ years of relevant experience from the Finnish working life. They are willing to provide guidance and support to international talents living in Finland and help the latter succeed.

Read more: Become mentor »

EntryPoint mentees are talented expats residing specifically in the Helsinki Metropolitan area (i.e., international degree students, recent graduates from higher education institutions, or anyone who has graduated with a higher education degree somewhere else and moved to Finland).

Read more: Become mentee »

How does it work?

Diversity plays a crucial role in defining the EntryPoint activities. Everyone is encouraged to acknowledge and appreciate each other’s cultural differences along with professional and educational background.

Usually one EntryPoint round lasts 5-6 months and includes:

  • 5 pair meetings (between a mentor and mentee),
  • 4 collective thematic group meetings (orientation, kick-off, midterm, and wrap up),
  • optional thematic group meetings (company visits, interactive workshops, etc.).

The program has been built on 3-dimensional model to better answer to mentors’ and mentee’s needs:

  1. Collective meetings offer our participants a chance to meet all other mentors and mentees within the same program round.
  2. 1-on-1 meetings focus on building a partnership between a mentor and mentee.
  3. Multiple company visits and thematic group meetings inspire further development and learning experience for all participants.




Marina Ponomareva
Talent Expert, Chamber Talent Boost project
+358 40 675 38 52

EntryPoint Mentoring Programme

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